a unique collaboration of creative spirits
A unique collaboration of creative spirits
My inspiration comes from the small moments of magic that occur in the every day lives of animals. I am lucky enough to live in a small, Northamptonshire village, nestled between rolling hills and working farms. Many of my illustrations include characters I meet along the way, including the villages resident donkey and Shetland Ponies. I grew up on a small farm and I studied fine art at degree level.
A very almighty blow came when, after a short spell working in the property market, I was widowed at the age of 30. As I had a very young daughter to care for I started illustrating for friends and family as I could work from home. That was 6 years ago, and I now work full time as an illustrator/ artist.
© Inspired Spirits LLP t/a Modern Art Distillery 2023
71-75 Shelton Street,
Covent Garden, London. WC2H 9JQ
T: +44 7940 098741
E: office@modernartdistillery.com
Co.Reg in England: OC439102
VAT Registration No.391662181
You must be 18 or over to order online. Please make sure you drink responsibly. The UK Chief Medical Officers recommend adults do not regularly drink more than 14 units per week.
1 unit =25 ml (40%ABV)
© Inspired Spirits LLP t/a Modern Art Distillery 2023
71-75 Shelton Street,
Covent Garden, London. WC2H 9JQ
T: +44 7940 098741
E: office@modernartdistillery.com
Co.Reg in England: OC439102
VAT Registration No.391662181
You must be 18 or over to order online. Please make sure you drink responsibly. The UK Chief Medical Officers recommend adults do not regularly drink more than 14 units per week.
1.03 unit =25 ml (41%ABV)
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After signing up for our newsletter you may also receive occasional surveys and special offers from M.A.D Modern Art Distillery via email. We will not sell or distribute your email address to any third party at any time. Details of our full privacy policy will be available on our live website. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list at any time please use the contact form.
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If you would like to be considered for a commission of your art to appear on future M.A.D products please complete the form below.
After registering your interest to be considered for art on our bottles you may receive newsletters, occasional surveys and special offers from M.A.D Modern Art Distillery via email. We will not sell or distribute your email address to any third party at any time. View our privacy policy here.
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